Wednesday, April 29, 2009


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We were glad to be on the road again after Dunedin and we are heading north along the east coast towards Chirstchurch, but we will break this up into several short travel days.

The first diversion was to Shag Point, to view some seals, we were too early for the penguin viewing. Then it was on up road to see the Moeraki Boulders, these are large geoids that Holly had seen on the cover of her guide book and was very excited to go and see them. They were pretty cool.

Moeraki Boulders

Our night was spent in an old hotel that is now a hostel in the town of Oamaru, which of course had more penguin viewing. We got checked in and were off to the beach to view the Yellow-Eyed Penguins again, they also had Blue Penguins nesting near, but it cost $20 to see them, so we go for the free stuff. It was amazing to see how high these little things would nest on the cliff sides, there some pretty good rock climbers! Later that night from our room we good hear the Blue Penguins calling, we were told that they would come into the parking lot at night (the hostel is very close to the ocean), so Holly had to try and see them, but she did not have any luck except for this exceptional large grey penguin;)

Oamura Penguins

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